
Sunday, February 1, 2009

In the Beginning...

So. This is my first blog. Wow. I always made fun of people who had a blog....Hmmm. But i thought since i'm hundreds of miles away from my friends and family I would start one to let them know whats going on and how i'm doing. I usually start most of the communication in my relationships so i knew i should start a blog or something.

I've been in Ft. Myers, FL for two weeks now and still no luck with the job search. But soul searching on the other hand...is going the exact same way. I'm still as confused and clueless as when i left. Although i have been having a blast since i got here. Who knew old people were so entertaining?? I enjoy BINGO every monday and every other thursday. I watch a wii bowling league..yes, you read that right. A wii bowling league!! Every Wednesday my grandparents and 38 of their closest friends get together and bowl on the wii in a tournament. They have teams WITH NAMES and everything. It's soo cute!

And it's another blessing altogether because BOTH sets of grandparents are down here. So i get both pairs all to myself, which hasn't happened since i was 3. I recently went down to Punta Gorda for a Sock hop. (Pictures coming soon) Elvis and Marilyn Monroe were both there. Promise! I danced all night, don't tell Asbury Officials! It was so much fun. Close your mouth, and don't be so surprised. When Old people are in their element they are hilarious.

I do miss my family and my friends very much, but am having a wonderful time in the sunshine state. No drama...at least for the time being, No exes, and No people my own age. It's paradise! So people i miss...
My Awesome camp friends...
My Mom and My Daddy...
The funniest little brother ever...My Lovely Roommate (and wife)...The two best (and P.C.) friends a girl could ask for...And Last but not least my other half, Sara (Hazelnut)...